Neck Pain Treatments

Harvard Health reports that 80 percent of people will experience neck pain at some point. Many different things, including furniture that doesn’t provide enough support, slip and falls, collisions while playing sports, and car accidents, could result in neck pain. Fortunately, a chiropractor can help. If you’re looking for assistance with neck pain and live near Toms River, NJ, contact Dr. Robert Fitzpatrick and Dr. Lisa Morreale-Fitzpatrick at the Fitzpatrick Chiropractic Center.

Why You Need to Address the Root Causes of Neck Pain

People suffering from neck pain may first turn to rest. Sometimes, the body will heal on its own, but if there is an underlying issue that is causing your aches, R&R may simply not be enough. Instead, it’s important to address the root causes of pain so that the body can then heal properly.

Some folks turn to pain medication. The right OTC and prescription meds can provide temporary relief. Yet pain management medications often fail to resolve the underlying issues, which means that the pain will return once the medications wear off. This can result in people taking more medication. Further, many medicines lose their effectiveness over time because the body builds up immunity. As a result, you may have to take increasingly large doses.

Anyone suffering from neck pain should look into ways to address the underlying causes. Neck aches are often caused by poor spinal alignment. If the spine is not properly aligned, it could strain muscles in the neck, shoulders, back, and elsewhere too. Nerves could also be put under considerable pressure.

Fortunately, chiropractors are experts at resolving the issues that cause pain. If you need help with neck pain and live near Toms River, NJ, visit the Fitzpatrick Chiropractic Center.

How You Can Resolve Underlying Issues With Chiropractic Care

With chiropractic adjustments, it’s often possible to address the root causes of neck pain. A chiropractor can work closely with your spine, adjusting and straightening it. This will reduce tension in your neck (and elsewhere) not just right now, but potentially also in the future.

A chiropractor can also use massage therapy to relieve muscle tension in the neck, shoulders, and back. This can provide quick pain relief. Further, a chiropractor can teach patients a variety of exercises and stretches that will reduce tension in the neck and strengthen muscles. This can help provide lasting relief and enable effective self-care.

It's also possible that your neck aches are due to a poor pillow, a mattress that doesn’t provide enough support, or other issues with furniture. Chiropractors can help folks select pillows and furniture that will provide the appropriate amount of support for their necks.

Need help with neck pain and live near Toms River, NJ? Dial 732-288-0500 to reach the Fitzpatrick Chiropractic Center.

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