Headache Relief

Obtain relief from your chronic headaches in Toms River, NJ, by consulting Dr. Robert Fitzpatrick and Dr. Lisa Morreale-Fitzpatrick of Fitzpatrick Chiropractic.

Why Are You Suffering from Chronic Headaches?

Some headaches seem to come out of nowhere. Once they start to take effect, it’s hard to do anything about them. Headaches can derail your day, and all you can do in response is wait until the discomfort dissipates.

While headaches may seem to make their presence felt at random times, that’s not actually the case. There are explanations for why you are having them. The explanation depends on the type of headache you experience frequently.

Tension headaches are fairly common, and that’s mainly because of the factors that trigger them. They are often the result of tension building up inside your neck and shoulders. As long as that tension persists inside your body, so too will the headaches.

Cervicogenic headaches are less common than their tension-triggered counterparts, but they remain uncomfortable all the same. You can tell you’re experiencing a cervicogenic headache if the pain is steady and localized to one side of your face.

The reason why cervicogenic headaches are less common is mainly due to what causes them. Cervicogenic headaches are caused by neck issues. An injury may be responsible for your cervicogenic headaches, but they can also be byproducts of poor posture. If you respond to neck issues quickly, chances are you won’t experience cervicogenic headaches.

Regardless of why you have chronic headaches, you must seek treatment to address that issue effectively. Thankfully, chiropractors can offer the treatment solutions you need.

Reach out to Dr. Fitzpatrick and Dr. Morreale-Fitzpatrick of Fitzpatrick Chiropractic and receive the headache treatment you need in Toms River, NJ.

How Do Chiropractic Treatment Methods Address Headaches?

Now that we know more about the factors that trigger chronic headaches, it’s easier to understand why expert chiropractic care is such an effective tool against them.

Because tension headaches are related to the built-up tension around your neck and shoulders, you need to seek treatment that specifically addresses that issue. Warm laser therapy works because it excels at promoting cellular healing and reducing inflammation. Therapeutic exercises also deliver results by easing the tension in your neck and shoulders through gentle motions.

Consulting a chiropractor is almost a necessity if you’re always suffering from cervicogenic headaches. The chiropractor can identify the specific neck misalignment responsible for your headaches. After identifying the problem, your chiropractor can administer the necessary adjustments to correct it. Expect your cervicogenic headaches to disappear after your chiropractor gets your cervical tissues realigned.

Experience lasting relief from your headaches in Toms River, NJ, after calling 732-288-0500 and scheduling treatment appointments with Dr. Fitzpatrick and Dr. Morreale-Fitzpatrick of Fitzpatrick Chiropractic.

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